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Study Abroad

Cultural Communication in Amsterdam and Brussels

February to March 2020

Me and my old gym buddy on her Spring 2021 graduation day


In spring 2020, I embarked on a study abroad trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands and two Belgian cities: Brussels and Bruges. We came back on March 1st, right before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Knowing classmates and friends who had to end their study abroad trips early, I will forever be grateful that our trip dates were well before the quarantine began. It was my first time visiting Europe, and I learned several lessons: what it feels like to step out of my USA bubble and feel resentment from the world around me; what blatant racism and favoritism in European countries looks and feels like; how to stand my ground against bullies; how to protect myself in dangerous situations; and how to blend into a new, cultural environment and keep my cool when experiencing culture shock.


I expressed to my professors, Dr. Raquel Perez and Gabriella Portela, how challenging the experience had been so far, such as communicating with locals and navigating difficult classmates. In their response, my professors highlighted how I had kept my cool and maintained professionalism at all times. With their help, I realized that another trip abroad—whether personal, academic or professional—would not intimidate me. Rather, I’ll travel with confidence knowing I have a new set of tools in my communication toolbelt: cross-cultural communication competency and conflict resolution skills.


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